
Call of Duty 2022 in development at Treyarch

There's no doubt that the new Phone call of Duty will be one of the year'south biggest releases. Each iteration brings huge sales for Activision and this year, volition probably not going to be any unlike. Last year's, Advanced Warfare, was a pace-up from the previous few installments in the franchise and it was quite well regarded.

"This fall'southward game will be Treyarch's first on the three-year evolution bicycle," Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg said during an earnings call on Th (via Polygon). "It will be loaded with innovation, and we're excited to share more than details with our community soon."

Activision claims this twelvemonth's Telephone call of Duty volition be "loaded with innovation"

Treyarch'southward previous series entries include Call of Duty 3, Telephone call of Duty: Earth at War, Call of Duty: Black Ops and Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. The Black Ops games "remain the biggest-selling titles in franchise history", co-ordinate to Hirshberg. Treyarch is also the creator of the serial' popular Zombies way.Hirshberg announced final February that the Call of Duty serial was moving from a two-year to a three-year development bike in a bid to improve quality.

Hirshberg announced last February that the Phone call of Duty series was moving from a two-yr to a three-year evolution wheel in a bid to ameliorate quality. Lets hope that this increase of the development cycle bears fruit and we get a truly worthy gaming feel that could prove innovative plenty to rekindle new life into the long running series. Personally I would dear a return to the WWII setting as well as some more strategic and focused gameplay for the unmarried player entrada.

A reveal of the game volition definitely come at E3 later on this yr, if not sooner.


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