
How Bungie made Savathun Destiny 2's best villain yet and turned seasons into gripping TV shows - puckettbrouthe1977

How Bungie made Savathun Lot 2's best baddie in time and turned seasons into gripping TV shows

Destiny 2 The Witch Queen
(Image cite: Bungie)

It feels like Destiny 2 players randomly looked aweigh from their Vaults this year and went, "Dang, the story's gotten good, hasn't it?" I certainly did. After struggling to meaningfully get in touch its expansions and seasons for various years, Destiny 2 has quietly (and sometimes aloud) become the best live service narrative around – a game that other live games should be studying. Destiny's always had a rich cosmos filled with powerful characters, but we've never seen it all arranged and given so engagingly, rent solo for a whole twelvemonth.

Not to doubt Bungie's writing chops, but how did Destiny 2's taradiddle get sol good, and seemingly so quickly? Afterwards years of audience that Luck's brightest days are still to come, it feels like we've reached a new peak. These are the brightest days. Even so, Bungie is still looking onward and upward with plans for yet much ambitious storytelling and unnumberable tricks for players to experience. It's turn seasons into gripping TV shows and building a caliber of villain the serial has never seen, and these frankincense-far fortunate experiments bequeath ripple out across Twelvemonth 5 and on the far side.

Destiny is a TV show instantly

Destiny 2 The Witch Queen

(Image credit: Bungie)

"Some the time of [Season of Arrivals] we Saturday down As a communicatory team and had a conversation about the types of stories that we welcome to tell and how we wanted to tell them, and we saw ways to improve," explains Julia Nardin, senior narrative spark advance on Destiny 2. "One of those was in truth leaning into the serialized nature of Destiny's story and ensuring that we were telling a cohesive, serialized taradiddle across nonuple seasons and expansions where all the threads connect to each other."

"We did IT a lot like a television show where we road mapped where we wanted to spell and talked astir the best way to get at that place," she continues. "We landed on this model where we'd have at any rate sextet to cardinal weeks of really solid narrative where there's a major beat each week, OR several beats each week. Whether IT's a story military mission, new [voiceover], a Helm radio message, a vignette where there are characters in this space and action playing out in forepart of you quite than a medium. Just making trusty that we have enough narrative content to last six to eight weeks, with a story that is self-contained with a clear opening, middle, and end that leads to a larger narrative arch."

To my cognition, there aren't any other live serving games leaning this much into narrative

Julia Nardin

"It was a conscious decision and I muse the last year we've seen ways we can continue to refine that model to make water our stories even Sir Thomas More attractive and powerful as we move forward into next yr and beyond," Nardin continues.

The ongoing Season of the Lost, which will take us into February,  is shadowing this Sami model, and it's only acquiring better. Each week, we sit out for at least single good Old World chat with some combining of Mara Sov, Petra Venj, Ikora, Crow, and Savathun herself, among other characters. This provides a nice, offset dose of exposition before we rig out for the usual weekly reset to-do list, and it gives the game an good and memorable way of communicating the stakes of the current bow, even as players plough their brains off to shred aliens in the rising seasonal natural action. Threats and motives are always hyaloid and presumptive, and that's successful each harden easier and more exciting to follow.

And the macrocos is the raw room stun

Destiny 2 Season of the Lost

(Fancy credit: Bungie)

Bungie didn't stumble upon a magic formula that suddenly solved all of Circumstances's story issues. The studio has had to nudge this method acting for quite some fourth dimension, refining its approach on ii key fronts. "When you're working on a game that's primarily a first-person shooter, primarily a looter-shooter and MMO-lite, traditionally the systems used to prop up an Federal Protective Service game are not necessarily cohesive with systems used for telling fib," explains senior narrative interior decorator Nikko Stevens. "That presents one challenge at once, but I think Bungie has done a real nice subcontract over the path of the development of Destiny to invest in some of those tools that are not primarily based in shot enemies. They're more based in being able to move the story forward or have deeper interactions with the gameplay itself."

One restraint Here is choosing a cast who can carry the story forward. Destiny's deluxe universe is sometimes a burden; there are tons of characters fighting tons of battles at any given moment. How does Bungie pick and select what and who to put on stagecoach? The respond, Nardin tells me, is triage.

"One of the challenges we have with the stories we're trying to tell, because we've got multiple seasons in a year and we have a real small window in which to write a season, work with the early disciplines, and create this adhesive thing, is there's not a lot of room to act up every the things that we want to do," she says.

"We triage stories and characters. Information technology would've been awe-inspiring if we could've included Eris in Flavour of the Lost, but as we were writing the list of characters WHO would be invested with in what's passing on, we've got Crow in frontal of Mara Sov, so we need Mara Sov. We need Petra. We knew we were telltale Osiris to be Savathun, so automatically we need Ikora involved because Osiris was her mentor and she's cardinal of the leaders of the Vanguard. We knew we needed Angel involved because Nonpareil was Osiris' partner. It gets to a point where we can't put any more characters into a story without diluting the quality of the story we're trying to tell. Eris didn't quite a stool the cut, but it doesn't mean we'rhenium not concerned in telling stories with Eris. It reasonable means we'Re loss to tell that story in a different release."

Destiny 2 Season of the Lost

(Image credit: Bungie)

Scorn these challenges, this new posture is working, and functional well. As a result, Bungie's only departure to push it harder in the future.  "We compared what we'atomic number 75 doing to serialized television a lot internally and externally," Nardin says. "To my knowledge, there aren't any other live serving games tilt this much into tale and making sure every hebdomad in that respect's something new that's progressing the narrative. That's working very well for us."

"If you take away anything from this conversation, I would pronounce we're going to be doing more of that and line up new slipway to ut that," she affirms. "We're really happy with some of the storytelling channels we've developed over the finis year. The Helm messages on the radio where people can overhear conversations they might not necessarily need to take in have been really great for us. Characters incline to behave other than when they don't think you'rhenium listening. You get to see new sides to Zavala and Ikora. You get to see a new pull to Mara Sov this season, which I think is really exciting."

Stevens echoes Nardin's thoughts, highlighting "all the teams that worked along the Helm and all these systems that have allowed us to kind of agitate narrative in a more forthright way." He adds: "I want to bread and butter hammering on stuff like that... You're starting to pick up more character interactions in the game humankind, and that's something I'm really excited about, having more of that occurrent in the future."

Who is Savathun?

Destiny 2 The Witch Queen

(Image credit: Bungie)

The Harden of the Thoughtful is the final spot of red carpet for all this, and Savathun is smack in the middle of IT. The Hive away god of deception, the unseeable hand, the sis of the god of war Xivu Arath and the fallen god Oryx. Savathun is The Witch Queen's witch tabby. She's the big bad raising an USA of Hive Guardians. Or at to the lowest degree, she will be. Fair-and-square a few weeks ago, she was Osiris, lurking right low-level our noses. Right now, she's a statue that poses no immediate harm. In fact, she's been positioned arsenic a tenuous ally this season. But Bungie didn't make a entire expansion about belligerent Savathun for no reason, right? Nor did information technology needlessly release a trailer for the Witch Queen literally hours in front the Season of the Ruined began and Savathun nonchalantly walked up whispering yet more beautiful assurances.

"Plainly we knew people were going to see The Hag Queen trailer before they jumped into Season of the Lost, right?" says Stevens. "So, one, we want Savathun to be front and center. You'ray gonna play her immediately. There's no reason to hold her back, and especially later on Season of the Splicer, we wanted players to be in a position where, you jazz, Osiris was pretty sus at the end of that season. We wanted players to smel at that and go into Season 15 thinking, 'Oh man, we need to do something about Osiris.' We bought into that like a sho."

"We knew that we wanted to give the player face time with her," Nardin says of Savathun's abrupt appearance. "We give these conversations with her every week. We really wanted the thespian to physique a ad hominem relationship with Savathun over the course of the yr. That allows the player to emotionally invest in something operating room in someone, and that automatically raises the stakes for the expansion. We want people to get into that with integrated feelings, and not feel 100% sure that what they're doing is the right affair."

Destiny 2 The Witch Queen

(Image recognition: Bungie)

"Because she's always been such a secretive and deceptive character, it's hard to pin down exactly WHO she is, especially if you're not somebody who reads into a lot of the lore books Beaver State if you oasis't been playing the game a long time," says Stanley Smith Stevens. "We craved to make indisputable players had a really good approximation of who she was."

We've never seen this kind of frame-up for a big baddie in Destiny 2 before. As Nardin puts information technology, Destiny "has a habit of introducing the antagonist in the expansion they'atomic number 75 defeated in, and that's non super square from a narrative perspective." Destiny 2's 2020 expansion, Beyond Light, hammered this house by hurriedly written material off its villain Eramis later a brief political campaign. After so a great deal build-up, so a good deal lore, grimoire and mystique, it would be sorely disappointing to see Savathun yanked inactive-stage just as quickly.

We want people to go into that with mixed feelings, and not feel 100% secure that what they're doing is the right thing.

Julia Nardin

Thankfully this, too, is changing with The Witch World-beater. Nardin says Bungie is actively working to build more enduring and diverse villains, part to prove that "not all the members of the alien races are bad just like not completely the people who inhabit City of London are discriminating." Simply more to the point, she says Savathun will have more staying power than late baddies.

"At that place's definitely a conscious effort in that location," Nardin confirms. "It's why we didn't kill Caiatl there in Harden of the Chosen either… We've seen a good deal of conversations about Savathun like 'Can we trust her? Is she telling the truth?' and on that point is this watershed in the community, which is what we cherished," Nardin observes. "'Oh, she's not what she thinking, maybe we should trust her' versus 'You guys are falling for it! She's the king of legerdemain!' We charitable of structured the smooth pricker of the last class and vary around that."

Stevens adds that "all these characters that believe they're moving forward-moving by their own motivations are moderately influenced by the Witch Queen," and I tail't shake the feeling that He's talking about our Guardians as well.

We don't talk close to that

Destiny 2 The Witch Queen

(Image credit: Bungie)

Just Eastern Samoa Destiny 2: Year 4 has become much more than Beyond Floodlit, Year 5 will be more than just The Witch Queen. Savathun's presence and actions will be formative, only Bungie has plenty more in store as Destiny 2 builds toward the release of Lightfall and The Final Shape in 2023 and 2024, which will cap polish off the series' long-running Light and Darkness saga.

For one, Nardin says we harbor't seen the last of Caiatl, the surprising Cabal ally introduced in Season of the Chosen. Mithrax and Saint-14 will likewise take center stage again. Calus, Destiny 2's first raid boss and Caiatl's father, is as wel "taboo there waiting, doing something, we're not really true, but we're really excited to persist in to practice things with him." And Stevens reckons players haven't yet realized just how important Xivu Arath is and will be.

To close things out, I asked well-nig the freshly reintroduced sidearm Spoiler Alert. The tan text edition on this gun reads: "Someone is going to die." The finis time we sawing machine this thing was in the Warmind DLC which preceded Forsaken and the death of Cayde-6. It tooshie't atomic number 4 a concurrence that IT's back now, right?

"IT's not a concurrence," Stevens says. "That's completely I'll say."

Austin Wood

Austin freelanced for the likes of PC Gamer, Eurogamer, IGN, Sports Illustrated, and more while finishing his fourth estate degree, and he's been with GamesRadar+ since 2019. They've til now to realize that his position as a staff author is just a cover upfield for his career-spanning Destiny column, and he's kept the artifice going with a focus on news and the occasional feature.


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