
How To Make Money As A Stay At Home Mother

Is it really possible to find a legit stay at home mom job?

When I was 9 months pregnant and working at a 9-5 job, that's exactly what I was hoping I could find. I wanted to be there for my kids as much as I could.

I prayed to find a good but really legitimate stay at home mom job that paid well. And through trial and error, I finally discovered the #1 way to make money from home as a mom.

It's been 6 years and $2.5M+ later (I share screenshots below if you need proof) and I can truly say, it is super possible to find a stay at home mom job that works perfectly for you!

This in-depth guide will show you over 75 different ways to make money with a stay at home mom job.

It will cover how I've made money in real ways from home and how I've been able to 5X my engineering salary and work half the time!

The guide also includes hourly rates for each work at home job you can do as a mom – so you can choose the right one for you.

That's me! Working on my little blog with my sweet baby.

Most of the ways listed below have either been tried by a close friend or family member or by me. These are legitimate ways to make money from home. Whoever said that stay at home mom jobs can't be successful, haven't seen amazing women like Joanna Gaines turn into a super start from starting out as a blogger.

And of course, you don't need to have a line in Target to become successful – choose the right stay at home mom job below for you and it can turn into a $10K per month salary with a little bit of focused work.

Excited? Let's get into it!

Real numbers: The hourly rates and data is pulled from government or high ranking company websites, such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Indeed and Payscale. You're in good hands!

  1. 75 Best Stay at Home Mom Jobs
  2. Legitimate Ways to Make Money From Home as a Mom
  3. Blogging
  4. Virtual Assisting
  5. Freelancing
  6. Photography
  7. Make Printables
  8. Online Course Creation
  9. Social Media Manager
  10. Sell Ebooks
  11. Do Surveys
  12. Gigs on Fiverr
  13. Proofreading
  14. Infographic Maker
  15. Advertising Fees
  16. Open an Etsy Shop
  17. Catering
  18. Direct Sales
  19. Babysitter
  20. Data Entry
  21. Real Estate Agent
  22. Dropship
  23. Wedding Planner
  24. Customer Service
  25. Online Teacher
  26. Music Teacher
  27. Dog Walker
  28. Product Tester
  29. Voice Over
  30. Hairdresser
  31. Travel Agent
  32. Headhunter
  33. Website Designer
  34. Educational Tutor
  35. Content Writing
  36. Recipe Creator
  37. Copywriting
  38. Medical Transcriptionist
  39. Seamstress
  40. Video Editor
  41. Email Responder
  42. Company Trainer
  43. Bookkeeper
  44. Resell Items Online
  45. Telemarketer
  46. Accountant
  47. Iron Clothes
  48. On-Air DJ
  49. Scrapbooking Artist
  50. Painting Lessons
  51. Party Planner
  52. Cake Designers
  53. Journal Spreads
  54. Amazon Delivers
  55. Doggie Vacay
  56. Home Organizer
  57. Ghost Writing
  58. Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA)
  59. In Home Daycare
  60. Life Coaching
  61. Natural Parenting
  62. Newspaper Columnist
  63. Sell Books on Amazon
  64. VipKid Teacher
  65. Sell Stock Images
  66. Social Media Creator
  67. Teach Art Online
  68. More Stay at Home Mom Jobs
  69. The Best Stay at Home Mom Job
  70. Jobs for Stay at Home Moms

75 Best Stay at Home Mom Jobs

Being a mom often leaves a torn feeling. On one hand, you want to spend time at home with your beautiful babies, but on the other hand, you long to find a way to feel as though you are contributing to the family as well. Wouldn't it be great to make money as a stay at home mom and be with your little ones?

Feeling those mixed emotions can be a very trying time for yourself as well as the other members of your family. But honestly…who says that you have to choose one or the other? Why can't you have family time and work time and make it mesh well together?

It is possible! And I'm living proof. I make 5x as much as I used to as a full time engineer and I'm a stay at home working mom. I have three little ones, each 20 months apart from each other. And I started my work from home business when I was 38 weeks pregnant! Momma,!

And I'm not the only stay at home mom making money from home. I've taught thousands of other moms through my courses to build profitable blogs too, many of them are making $1,000-$20,000+ per month.

Although I love blogging, there are other legitimate ways to make money from home too. Just to give you a bit of my background, here are a few of the ways I've made money from home.


  • Teaching English over Skype – $25 per hour.
  • Walking dogs – $5 per walk.
  • Affiliate marketing – $10-$100 per commission.
  • Selling stock images – $19 per package.
  • Make printables – $9 per printable.
  • Sell items on Ebay/Craigslist – $10 to $100 per item.
  • Written and sold ebooks  – $7 per ebook.
  • Launching courses – $9 to $97 per course.


  • Offered virtual assistant services – $15+ per hour
  • Direct sales business – $1,000+ per month
  • Freelance Writer – $65+ per article
  • Painting courses – $10 per course
  • Proofreading – $15+ per hour
  • Drawing journal spreads – $20 per page
51 Ways to make money as a stay at home mom with hourly rates

We are so blessed to live in a time when almost the entire world is connected via the internet. You can create something amazing, and someone on the other side of the world can buy it from you!

Just remember…

It's no longer uncommon for people to make money from home. Think about the influencers, YouTubers, bloggers, freelance writers, Uber drivers, Instacart shoppers, etc. It's now common knowledge that you do not have to work for a corporation to make a living!! It's that amazing!

As you read through this list there will be manyonline stay at home mom jobs.So while baby sleeps or the kids are at school, you can build your business from home- even as a busy mom!

And don't worry, many of these ideas are great stay at home dad jobs too! My husband is now a stay at home dad – well, we're both stay at home / work from home parents. And it's ah-mazing!

Likewise, if your dream is just to make a little bit of money from home, or to retire your husband completely, read on, because if I can do it, you can too!

Legitimate Ways to Make Money From Home as a Mom

Keep in mind that any of these side hustles and remote work for moms can be part-time with the possibility of becoming a full-time gig. Imagine starting a side hustle on your own that launches into a huge success? I know it sounds corny, but it's true, if you believe in yourself and your abilities, anything is possible!

While there are many ways to earn money from home, here are 75 of the best ways to make extra money as a stay at home mom.

Let's get into the money-making list ofstay at home jobs for moms!


It's no secret why this one made the list at the number one spot, right? Blogging is near and dear to my heart and has afforded me the opportunity to stay at home and raise my babies while earning an income that takes care of our family.

It took a lot of work, but blogging has enabled us to completely pay off our debt and retire my husband at age 30. I honestly started blogging just to make a little bit of extra money, and my first dollar on my blog was made through affiliate marketing, and from then on – it just kept growing and growing!

I really wanted to give up in the beginning – it was hard and I felt like I was just throwing spaghetti against a wall. But I kept writing blog post after blog post and I didn't fully give up. Although there were days that I gave up – the overall journey was not lost. I started making a little passive income, just enough to cover my trips to Target. And then that passive income grew and turned into over $10K per month. I added digital products as a revenue stream and then it just blew up and good money was flowing in.

The extra income from my blog eventually covered our mortgage payment, and then, paid the whole thing off! It was then that I knew I was a business owner and not just running a hobby blog anymore.

If you need proof, here are a few screenshots of earning over $2.5M in the past six years. These are just a few, there are still tons of little products and affiliates I earn from too.

proof of legit stay at home mom job
earnings from stay at home mom job
how much do moms make at home

So instead of searching job sites for an online job – create your own business by starting your blog. You can start blogging as a stay at home parent while living off one income. And eventually, when things pick up, and they will if you stay focused, you'll have two income streams!

I whole heartily believe blogging is one of the best jobs for moms! As mothers we have such a great ability to share and help and create. You can use those skills to really build something amazing! If writing is not your jam, just know that many successful bloggers hire a freelance writer or use AI to help create content so they can focus on product creation.

Interested in learning more? Read all about how to start a mom blog here.

Rate: $0 – $10,000+ per month

Want the step by step plan I used to make $53,000 in my first year? Click on the image below and download it for free!


Virtual Assisting

This is one of the best jobs for moms during school hours because you can work a few hours helping out others with their business needs. Most hours are during the day or late at night when the kiddos are sleeping and can be done easily from the comfort of your own home! There's never a better time than now to learn how to work from home as a virtual assistant.

The great thing about being a virtual assistant is that it's such a big umbrella for a variety of skills. You can virtually help someone with their email management, by creating infographics for them or taking stock images that they need. Basically anything in their business that is just taking too much time, you can help with!

Virtual assisting is one of the best stay at home mom jobs. It's super flexible and the options are endless!

Virtual assisting services include, but are definitely not limited to the following tasks:

  • Social Media Management
  • Freelance Writing
  • Graphic Designer Skills
  • Blog Post Creation and Editing
  • Affiliate Marketing Optimizer
  • And so much more!

You also could get a job within a week and start making a few hundred dollars per month. With the growth of online businesses, more and more people are looking for virtual assistants.

Aside from blogging, I personally think becoming a virtual assistant is one of thebest jobs you can do with a baby!

Rate: $15.00 per hour


Free what? Freelancing is when you find jobs to do for clients. Imagine writing blog posts for a big website, or creating inforgraphics for a lifestyle influencer, or editing videos for Facebook ads.

Being a freelance writer is another great work at home gig because you have the flexibility to say "yes" or "no" to projects that you want to work on. If you need a few weeks or months off to help with your children during various times, you are free to decide how much or how little you want to work. You're in control of the amount of extra cash you want to earn each month from this type of remote job.

If you love the written word, freelance writing may be perfect for you! I have friends who make up to $2 per word. For a 1,000 word article, that is $2,000!!

You can easily start freelancing by setting up a website to showcase your work and then reaching out through Facebook to bigger bloggers and influencers to write for them for extra income.

In a few years from now, there are estimates that over 50% of the American workforce will be a part of the Gig economy.

"The number of people working on-demand [gig] jobs will grow from 3.9 million Americans in 2016 to 9.2 million by 2021." – source

This is a super legitimate way to make money from home. This stay at home mom makes a full time income from freelance writing!

Rate: $15.00 per hour



One of the most naturaljobs for moms with babies is to become a photographer. So many new moms pick up photography as a hobby once their sweet little bundle of joy is born.

After a few months of practicing photograhy on your own child, you may be surprised by your new skills!

Even though I'm not a professional photographer, my friends hired me at $80+ per hour to take Christmas pictures of their family.

It's a fantasticpart time job for moms because you can take on photography shoots when you have time and take off when you need to.

Did you know that bloggers and other companies actually pay for great photography and stock images to use on their blog? If you have an eye for detail, you may be able to sell some of your photos for use on other sites!

Rate: $50-$100 per hour

make printables as a stay at home mom job

Make Printables

Is creativity and graphics your thing? If so, I'm totally jealous! Mommy bloggers all over the world will be knocking down your door to get the cutest and most creative printables for their crafts and posts!

Printables, PDFs or small digital products sell like hot cakes. You can either sell them directly on your blog, through a money making funnel or in your Esty shop. I teach all these methods in my Printables by Number course, taken by thousands of mom bloggers (but you don't have to be a blogger to benefit from printables).

You may be wondering what types of printables people can create to sell, here are a few ideas:

  • Homeschool Worksheets
  • Workout Trackers
  • Budget Printables
  • Personal Finance Worksheets
  • Planners and Calendars

Here are 11 more printable ideas you can create in an afternoon!

You could make a fantastic printable creator! It's easy to use programs such as PicMonkey or Canva to create gorgeous printables. And there are multiple ways you can sell these small digital products too – so you can choose the perfect method that works for your budget.

Not only do bloggers use them to draw attention to their site, but printables offered also help to grow their email list as well.

Rate: $10 per printable

Online Course Creation

If you have a background in teaching or just like to research and write, creating online courses are high in demand. Businesses and other online educational outlets are always looking for online courses that are simple and easy to offer to potential customers. And it's easy to create courses online with all in one platforms like Teachable.

You don't have to start with a 100 lecture video lesson course, you can get your feet wet with a profitable little mini course. People are more eager to open their wallets to a low cost course that promises a quick win than something that costs $997 and takes weeks to complete. Start small and grow. Online courses are a fantastic way to make passive income and earn extra cash – and it can quickly turn you into a real business owner.

I would highly recommend staring your blog, building your income with small digital products like printables, and then diving deep into online courses. As a sahm, this process worked beautifully for me. It was a small and slow start, but I was able to grow with my blog and business.

I never had to search a job board for odd jobs like becoming a mystery shopper or taking an online survey for extra cash. Even though my start was small and unsexy – it grew because of small, consistent steps.

Want to learn how to create an online course, checkout Course by Number.

Rate: $97 per online course


Social Media Manager

Do you love being on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter? Like to connect with others and post interesting content? Want to get in on a job where the demand is growing? ( see above chart )

Most companies know they need a social media presence, but they are busy in their business. So it's an easy win for them to hire a social media manager.

Being a social media manager is one of the most fun freelance jobs you can do as a sahm with a newborn!

You could start with smaller local companies and pick up a few clients, or you could pitch your services to a larger influencer or company.

Rate: $25 per hour

Sell Ebooks

Calling all mom authors! If you like to write, why not try and create your own ebooks? Places such as Amazon are a great place to list them and try to earn some extra cash, plus with them being digital, you don't have to worry about the overhead costs and worry of storage as you would with real books!

You can create a small ebook and sell it through your own website. No fancy publishers needed – you can really do it all yourself!

I make a full time income just from selling ebooks on my blog, so don't underestimate how much you can do, even if you have small kids. Selling ebooks is agreat job for moms with infants.

Rate: $10 per ebook

Do Surveys

Have I mentioned that the internet is just full of ways that moms can make money from home?

survey junkie stay at home mom jobs

While taking an online survey won't turn into a full time or steady income, they can be a great way to supplement here and there as a stay at home parent.

Rate: $0.50 – $5 per survey

Gigs on Fiverr

Fiverr is one of those places where you can get a lot of varying little work at home jobs that add up to be some pretty lucrative overall success. While the jobs may vary, the income potential is there!

Just browse the website to get a huge list of jobs you can do as a stay at home mom.

Rate: $5+ per gig


Have an eye for grammar? (don't tell me my own mistakes in this own post!) Proofreading the work of others may be one of the best part-time jobs there is! Everyone could use a second eye on their words and writing.

You can build a 6 figure business from doing this – even from home!

Rate: $17.68 per hour

Infographic Maker

If you love graphs and charts and everything nice (ha, see what I did there!), then you may just have a future in infographic making!

Want to know a secret? People will pay up to $80+ for an infographic. And guess what, they are SO easy to create!

If you have a bit of knowledge on how to use graphic design software such as PicMonkey, Canva or PowerPoint – you can whip up a pretty inforgraphic in an hour!

If you want to learn the skills to do this, check out Printables by Number.

Rate: $80 per infographic

Advertising Fees

If you have a website with lots of traffic, you could be paid to post ads on your platform. Companies such as Google or Mediavine will pay you advertising fees for each view they get on their ad on your website.

It's a great strategy if your website gets lots of traffic and you do not have other methods of monetization.

Rate: $100-$10,000 depending on traffic

Open an Etsy Shop

Calling all you creative moms! If you love to craft, you can earn some great money by selling those items to the general public!

Rate: $0 – $10,000+ per month


No one can turn away melt-in-your-mouth cookies, so if you have that gift, it's time to capitalize! Holidays and birthday parties are a time when everyone wants those sweets so it can be an easy way to make money from home as a mom.

You could start a small catering business and bake personal cakes, cupcakes, keto cookies, Whole30 snacks, etc.

I regularly walk down to a little bakery close to my house and buy $4+ keto cupcakes. Let that sink in for a minute.

Don't be afraid to jump on the newest nutrition trend and build a little side job out of it. Catering is one of the most deliciouswork at home jobs for moms – just remember, you're cooking three times a day anyways.

I know I've personally paid my friend to cater the cupcakes to my daughter's birthday. Thank you Christine!!

Rate: $15.25 per hour

Direct Sales

Has anyone ever told you that you could sell ice to an Eskimo? If so, you may want to work at home in direct sales as part of your money making ideas.

MultiLevel Marketing, or MLM, also known as direct sales – is a legitimate stay at home job. You can sign up with any MLM company such as Cabi Clothes, Mary Kay Makeup or BeatyCounter and have a business model ready to go.

It's a great way to get free or discounted products from a company you already use and love, and help others at the same time. Since I like to diversify my income, and I adore the products since they're safe and effective – here's proof that this work. This is my first check from Beautycounter 🙂

make money stay at home mom jobs

My cousin runs a full time business as a stay at home mom selling Mary Kay Makeup.  You can work at home in direct sales as part of your money making ideas.

Rate: $0-$3,000 per month


Whether you decide to run an in-home daycare or not, there are always parents looking for help during random times so that they can work or go out. This may be one of the easiest ways to be making money from home.

If you're home already taking care of little ones, why not babysit 1-2 more? Babysitting is one of thebest jobs you can do with a baby at home.

My sister did this while she was pregnant with her first child and made a few thousand dollars!

It's aflexible part time job from home for moms.

Rate: $13.44 per hour

Data Entry

This is one work at home job that can be done online for various businesses with ease. Plus, you can do this job at random times that work around your schedule as well.

Rate: $13.07 per hour

Real Estate Agent

Selling home and giving tours doesn't mean that you can't work from home! In fact, being a real estate agent is one of many legit ways to make money from home.

Rate: $23.00 per hour


Learning how to dropship effectively can actually be a really lucrative job. If you have the time and energy, this is one of the best ways to make extra money. It is also becoming more and more popular. And you don't have to store the inventory.

Rate: $0 – $10,000+ per month


Wedding Planner

Can you still remember your wedding day? Ah, all the anticipation, all the pretty dresses, all the attention – and then motherhood hits like a ton of bricks. And wahm. You're never ever the center of attention again.

Want to relive that beautiful day through somebody else?

Well, you can! And it can even turn into one of thebest jobs for you as a mom!

So how do you become a wedding planner?

  • Get formal training, you can even do it online here!
  • Go to a lot of weddings – Whooo hooo! – and get hands on experience
  • Choose your type of wedding and set yourself apart
  • Promote your services and grow!

Viola! You could even combine your photography skills + wedding planning skills and send your customers a little bonus thank you book filled with memories of their most beautiful (and most expensive) day.

Does anyone ever truly get tired of weddings? Being around people in love all the time sounds like a great way to make a living!

Bonus – Pinterest is full of ideas so you'll never run out of inspiration.

Rate: $5,000+ per wedding

Customer Service

All you need is some a quiet space and great listening skills and you could work from home as a customer service rep for a ton of different companies.

This guy did it as his side hustle!

Rate: $14.00 per hour

Online Teacher

Who says that you have to physically go to school anymore to teach? There are many different ways that you can teach online now to a variety of different ages and school levels.

In college I taught English to two sweet little Korean children on the other side of the world! $25 per lesson was a sweet deal for a college kid.

Rate: $14.00 – $23.00 per hour

Music Teacher

Teaching the love of an instrument to someone in your community is a great way to earn some extra money in your spare time.

Rate: $28.19 per hour


Dog Walker

If you're already spending some of your days pushing your little one around town in a stroller, why not make some money from home as well and walk the neighbor's dog?

My mom in law did this when my husband was a little guy.

Rate: $17.50 per walk

Product Tester

Yes, it's true! There are companies out there that will actually pay you to test and review their products. (If you find one that deals with chocolate, let me know!)

Rate: $20.41 per hour

Voice Over

Have a cool voice? Look around online as there are always different companies looking for voice overs.

Rate: $20.00 – $100+ per hour


Running your own hair salon from the comfort of your own home is an option as long as you have the space for it! Your friends and family will love knowing that they have you for all their hair styling needs.

Rate: $19.95 per hour

Travel Agent

Booking vacations for people sounds like a dream come true! Plus, interacting with people all day long who are excited about a vacation seems like a fun work environment as well.

Rate: $15.10 per hour


Companies and other businesses are always on the lookout for great employees, and if you have a knack for finding them, you're going to be in high demand!

Rate: $45.00 per hour

Website Designer

Bloggers, businesses, and companies are always needing help with their websites. It's typically a great paying gig for little time investment, especially if you know what you're doing!

Rate: $50.00 per hour

Educational Tutor

In person or online, you can tutor others in school subjects that they need help in. Skyping those who live far away is always a good option as well.

Rate: $8.59 – $25.90 per hour

Content Writing

Did you know that people will actually pay you for your words? Just put 'em on paper (or online) and let the money start rolling in.

Huge New Tip: You could crank out amazing content much faster with Artificial Intelligence tools like Jarvis. I've used it for many blog posts and it works so well!

You can easily make $15-$1,000 per article depending on the amount of research required!

Influencers, bloggers and most any business needs written content. It could be newsletters, emails, brochures, sales pages, blog post, social media posts – you name it!

You can see from the Google Trends graph above that the need for content writers are growing!

You can charge for the content you create! It's also a fantastic job you can do as you're working from home with a baby. You can always take breaks to be with your little one and come back to your work when you're done.

Rate: $23.99 per hour


Recipe Creator

Magazines and other online publications actually pay for recipes and creations to feature on their site. If you have the skill set of cooking and taking great photos of it, you may be able to make some pretty decent income working from home.

Or do you know all the ingredients in sugar cookies? Did you spend weekends with your grandma learning her famous Italian recipes?

Or are you a new mom making organic baby food?

No matter your niche, creating recipes is actually a thing! Just a quick Google search shows people looking for keto and coffee recipe writers – yummy!

Rate: $17.89 per hour



Love products, research and finding a way to put it all together for the general public to read and enjoy? Copywriting may be just what you're looking for!

There is a natural skill moms start to develop when their kids grow up, and it's selling. Slowly but surely you turn into a selling machine convincing your child to put on their shoes before school, or to eat their veggies, or to do their homework.

You can use those selling skills as a copy writer! The subtle difference between copy writing and content writing is that copy writing focuses on selling. Content writing focuses on build brand awareness.

There is a big difference when you're selling compared to when you're just informing. As all mothers grow their selling skills, copy writing is one of thebest jobs for stay at home moms. And it pays very well too!

Rate: $50.00 per hour

Medical Transcriptionist

Just how fast can you type? If you have the skills to type a hefty amount of words per minute, the medical field is always looking for more help!

Becoming a medical transcriptionist sounds a little bit more involved than most of the jobs for moms in this post. But here are the high level steps so you can become a transcriptionist from home.

How to become a medical transcriptionist

  1. Get your GED or High School Diploma
  2. Get an Associates Degree (but not mandatory)
  3. Get certifications CHDS or RHDS
  4. Speed up your typing
  5. Take the CHDS or RHDS exam
  6. Start working from home!

It's a few more steps, but there is a big need for medical transcriptionists, and it's aflexible job for moms.

You can make up to $60 per hour.

Rate: $15.00 per hour


Do you know how to sew? Do you love mending and altering clothes to make them look and fit even better?

You could either become a seamstress and start a local business, or you could start a fashion or lifestyle blog and show off your talents.

The local business could bring in money faster, but the blog could grow to something much bigger than a few hundred dollars per month.

This mom fashion blogger makes six figures per year with her blog! I'm a bit biased, but blogging is one of thebest jobs to do from home.

You never know how many people are looking for a seamstress until you offer this as your job! Jeans, slacks, and dresses often need to be hemmed and sewed so this is a job in high demand!

Rate: $28.00 per hour

Video Editor

Believe it or not, not all videos that you see online start out in that perfect condition. If you have a skill set for editing, you may just have a lucrative work at home job waiting.

Just think of all the YouTube stars you can help!

Was I the only one to love making home made movies with my siblings when I was little? Did anyone else play cowboys and crooks?

Regardless, if you like editing videos and making great videos, there is a huge market for video editors. It's a time consuming and intricate process, so businesses would be happy to pay for it!

Depending on how many clients you want to take on per month, you have the ability to make it one of thebest flexible jobs that pay well!

Rate: $29.04 per hour

Email Responder

Did you know that some businessmen and women get so many emails that they literally hire out the task of answering them? If you like to read, write and respond, look into this possible idea to get paid from home!

Rate: $15.69 per hour

Company Trainer

If you have the gift of being able to teach others, and are an expert in your field, why not contract yourself out to train others for companies? This is something that could be done in your spare time but could be a great way to supplement income for yourself and your family.

Rate: $19.21 per hour


Just how organized are you…If you like numbers and like to have everything organized and in a row, becoming a bookkeeper can be a great job as well!

Do you have past experience in finance?

You can become a virtual bookkeeper and keep records of the financial affairs of a business.

Rate: $20.00 per hour

Resell Items Online

Take a look around your house. More than likely you have items, toys, and clothes just lying around that you could sell for money. While your little ones are taking a nap, you can take pictures and upload to sites such as eBay to see just how much money you could get.

My good friends Melissa and Rob have made over $100,000 while flipping things from amazing flea market finds. Wow! And they have three little kids – so goodness – if they can find the time to become successful flea market flippers, you can too!

I know stay at home moms who make bank with this! I personally have made a few hundred from selling unwanted things around my house.

Rate: Varies per item.


Having a phone job from home can be nice because you don't have to commute anywhere to work. There are always companies that are searching for work from home telemarketers and surveyors.

Rate: $18.00 per hour


With your busy time of the year being during tax time, you could have a pretty flexible schedule for the others months out of the year! Plus, you can take on as many, or as few, clients as you want.

Rate: $32.76 per hour

Iron Clothes

While this may seem far-fetched, this is actually a service that many people pay for! They just drop off their clothes that need to be ironed and pick them up when you are done. Does it get any more simple than that?

And you can iron while watching a TV show 😉

It's one of the tasks most people just despise doing.

So they'll gladly pay someone else to do it for them! I remember my mom standing in front of the TV listening to shows while ironing my dad's work shirts.

And you can do it too – and get paid to do it! You may not become one of themoms making 6 figures that you read about online, but you can turn it into a business that pays the mortgage!

How to start an ironing business

  • Get an iron and an ironing board
  • Watch and practice how to iron like a pro
  • Place flyers around town advertising your services
  • Make sure your contact information is on the ad
  • Don't charge too little or too much, about $13-$20 an hour is a good starting point
  • Charge more if you offer delivery and pickup

Good job momma! You've got yourself an ironing business!

Rate: $13.00 per hour

On-Air DJ

With technology, you no longer have to go to a studio to be able to be on the air. If you have a few hours to spare daily, you can set up your own radio set and go "live" right from the comfort of your own home.

Tip: Podcasts are growing in popularity and could be a great way to create your own show!

Rate: $23.99 per hour


Scrapbooking Artist

Did you know that moms all over the world want scrapbooks for all their children, but many of them never take the time to do one. Start your own business where you create those memories for them!

If you love to scrapbook you could teach others how to create gorgeous layouts, sell your own artistic creations online, or offer it as a service!

Remember, if you're creative and have a will to make this work, you can turn your creativity into a great work from home job!

Rate: $19.96 per hour

Painting Lessons

Channel your inner artist and teach arts and crafts to those in your community. Children and adults love to create, they just sometimes need that guidance to make it happen.

You could either create your own online course and get traffic via a YouTube channel or blog. Or you could host painting lessons at your own home! It's a greatat home job for moms.

Rate: $50 per hour per student

Party Planner

Everyone loves a great party, right? How fun would it be to make it your income earner to be able to plan parties and events for other people! Sounds like a great way to earn money from home with ease!

Rate: $30.00 per hour

Cake Designers

There is always a need for cakes and cupcakes, and if you have a specific skill for cake designing and decorating, there is always a big need and market for this type of job.

Rate: $10.67 per hour

Journal Spreads

Do you love doodling in your journal? Are you super creative and have beautiful handwriting? People will pay for you to create pretty journal spreads! Trust me, I've paid up to $20 per page!

Rate: $19.96 per hour

Amazon Delivers

Ooh, this is nice! One of the largest companies on the globe offers flexible jobs – one that can work for moms is becoming an Amazon shopper. If your little one goes to preschool for a few hours, you can get paid to shop!

Rate: $16+ per hour

Doggie Vacay

Do you love both two legged and four legged babies? You can sign up at DogVacay or Rover to pet sit or dog walk. Another great service is called

You could earn up to $1,000 per month!

This is agreat job you can do with kids. My mother in law would do this exact job when my husband was around 4 years old.

He has memories of playing with dogs and taking care of animals since he could walk! How sweet is that?

Home Organizer

Kon Mari any one? Have you binged watched the shows on Netflix? Aren't they amazing?! If you're a super star at organizing, decluttering and minimizing – people NEED you!

You can do a virtual tour with a client and help them organize their messy pantry, cluttered garage or overflowing closet. If Kon Mari is so huge, just imagine the demand from real people needing personal help.

Rate: $30-50 per hour

Ghost Writing

Love to write but don't really want to manage your own blog? Why don't you ghost write for large companies or big bloggers? All websites need new and fresh content. And if you know how to write, people would love to pay you for your words!

Rate: $30.00 per hour

Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA)

Also known as retail arbitrage, fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) is when you purchase something at the store for a cheap price, and resell it on Amazon for a profit.

There are successful FBA-ers that make millions per year. It does take a bit of luck and skill to find cheap items, but very possible to make this your full time stay at home job.

The popularity and demand for becoming a FBA-er is also growing. More and more people are shopping on Amazon and do not mind the increase in price for the added convenience.

Rate: Depends of items sold

In Home Daycare

You already have one or two or more little ones around  you all day long. Why not invite some friends over and run a in home daycare? My sister personally did this when her children were little, and it worked out really well. There are lots of tax deductions you can claim by running a business from home.

Rate: $25 per hour

Life Coaching

Nope, I'm not making this up. People do pay for life coaches. And why wouldn't you? If you pay for a fitness coach or health coach, your life even more important. If you can help others manage their life, you can become a life coach. Trust me, there are even mom life coaches! Love that!

Rate: $160 per hour

stay at home mom job natural parenting

Natural Parenting

Are you a natural parent? Do you cuddle and co-sleep and carry your baby all day? Do you have tips and advice you can share with other parents to help them  become natural parents? My friend Tracy sells natural parenting books and courses through her website.

Rate: $10+ per ebook or course

Newspaper Columnist

The news needs new news. Think about that, it's only news, because it's new. So the appetite for columnists is always there!

If you're a good writer and can communicate well through the written word, you can earn up to $20+ per hour!

Start with the local newspapers first. Apply and nail your interviews. Let them know you need it to be a work from home job.

  • Once you land a few local gigs, you can start applying at larger newspapers that pay more per hour.
  • You could also apply to write for online newspapers or large outlets.

Here are a few large online news websites and estimated monthly visitors.

  • Google News – 150,000,000
  • Huffington Post – 110,000,000
  • CNN – 95,000,000
  • New York Times – 70,000,000
  • Wall Street Journal – 40,000,000
  • BBC News – 35,000,000
  • USA Today – 34,000,000

Starting a blog to showcase your skills could be a great resume builder! Just saying 😉

Rate: $21.69 per hour

Sell Books on Amazon

Do you like to write? Why not create your own ebooks? Amazon already has an enormous customer base that you can tap into. If you get a few great reviews, your book can do really well selling on Amazon. If you're not a fast writer, you can use AI tools to help you create content fast.

Rate: $34 per hour

stay at home mom job teaching online vipkid

VipKid Teacher

The internet is so full of possibilities. With VIPKid you can teach English online, pick your own hours, and make up to $22 per hour! With over 500,000 students, there is someone you can help! They are also ranked #1 by FlexJobs. It's definitely a great option as on of the work from home jobs for moms!

Rate: $14-22 per hour

Sell Stock Images

Bloggers, influencers and large companies need beautiful stock images to use in their marketing campaigns. If you're great with a camera, why not take and sell stock images? It is a fun and lucrative stay at home job you can do – and bonus – it's super flexible with little inventory!

Rate: $10+ per photo

Social Media Creator

This could fall into a category of Virtual Assistance, but every website needs image to promote their content.

If you love creating graphics, images or have an eye or graphic design, then you can easily make a full time income as a social media image creator. Go here if you want the shortcut to learn how to do this – quickly!

Rate: $16+ per hour

Teach Art Online

Are you an art teacher? Can you paint and draw and sketch? People will line up to learn from you!

And as moms we do this daily anyway, that's why it's included in this list ofbest jobs for moms!

You can showcase your skills through YouTube videos and sell more advanced techniques through online courses. What a fun stay at home job!

Rate: $17+ per hour

More Stay at Home Mom Jobs

Job Hourly Wage
Email Responder Rate: $15.69 per hour
Company Trainer Rate: $19.21 per hour
Voice Over Rate: $20.00 – $100+ per hour
Data Entry Rate: $13.07 per hour
Real Estate Agent Rate: $23.00 per hour
Website Designer Rate: $50.00 per hour
Drop Shipping Rate: $0 – $10,000+ per month
Customer Service Rate: $14.00 per hour
Music Teacher Rate: $28.19 per hour
Cake Designer Rate: $10.67 per hour
Party Planner Rate: $30.00 per hour

As I find more awesomework from home jobs for moms, I'll continue to add them on the list and share more details about each one!FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

What jobs are the best for stay at home moms?

It depends on your personality, talents and time. Most moms love blogging or virtual assisting. Blogging allows you to grow at your own pace with a very flexible schedule, while virtual assisting has more strict hours but you can make money faster. Other great profitable and flexible stay at home mom jobs include proofreading, selling printables, social media manager, or community manager.

How much money can I make as a stay at home mom?

Of course there is a wide range of earning potential with any job you can do from home. Most virtual assistants start at $20 per hour and can easily go to $50 per hour. Freelancers can make from $.05 cents to $1 per word written. And bloggers can make $0 to $100,000 per month depending on monetization strategies.

Can I work from home with no experience?

Yes! Becoming an entrepreneur is one of the best jobs you can ever do. You'll be creating your own business so there is no income ceiling and no previous experience required. Opportunities include starting a blog, freelancing, proofreading, virtual assistant, ads agency, niche sites, or social media agency.

My favorite work from home jobs for stay at home moms

In this quick video I'll share my favorite ways to work from home and examples of what I've done myself!

How to Make Money as a Stay At Home Mom – 75 Ideas

While the list above of 75 ways to make money from home as a mom may sound difficult, it's genuinely not. The great part about the majority of those jobs? Many of them require little to no money to even get started!

There are very few jobs in the world that you can do from the comfort of your home that are free, but I've provided several great options and ideas of ones that won't cost you a dime! So…what do you say, moms?

Are you ready to take 2021 by the horns and make this year life changing? You have what it takes to be successful! All you need to do is believe in yourself, believe in your abilities, and believe that you can and WILL find a way to make money from home!

Do you want to make money from home as a mom?

Any of the above side hustles can bring in between $500+ per month. If you work hard, you can cover the mortgage from your work at home gig. That's what I did a few months after I started taking my blog seriously.Within a year, our mortgage was paid off in full.

If you work hard, put in the time and don't give up, you can definitely change your life! Just know, you have my full support, and I'm always here to help.

The Best Stay at Home Mom Job

Go through the list again above and see where your skills fit. Are you a great writer, then blogging, ghostwriting or book creation could be in your future. Are you good with little ones, then maybe consider an in-home daycare? Whatever your skill set is, there is a virtual job you can do from home.

And if you don't have the skills yet, take one of my blogging courses or teach yourself using YouTube. You can definitely do this!


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Ways to make money as a stay at home mom with hourly rates

Jobs for Stay at Home Moms

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How To Make Money As A Stay At Home Mother


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